This summer has two or three night scenes labelled « Freshmen Nights ». This is one of them. This scene is intentionally darker, but romantic and passionate. We regret that some dislike the night scenes but as they were filmed as a series there is no way to escape them at times.
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Ennio with Jamie & Jim
Paul Cassidy & Eluan Jeunet
Back to Greece Part 23
Helmut, Oscar & Jerome Exupery
Nate Donaghy and Joaquin Arrenas
Ennio Leone & Jim Durden
Tom Houston & Kristian Bresson
Yannis Paluan and Bruce Querelle
Kirk Gauguin & John Leto
Jack & Gregg
Kevin, Jack, Andre & Adam
Orri Aasen & Steve Skarsgaard
Mario Texeira & Nate Donaghy
Felix Gaul, Jack Harrer, Andre Boleyn & Liam Efron
Kirk Gauguin & Justin Saradon
Luca Carrera Solo
Shane Mendes
Sasha Hamilton