The image of the life at BelAmi as nothing but a smorgesboard of boys, lounginmg around, having fun and making love is at times an illusion, and other times, like this, is pretty much bang on the mark.
Today we have handsome Niko Vangelis being pampered to a healthy breakfast and even healthier serving of Jeroen Mondrian to start the day. Both guys here are built for love and share an unending appetite for sex and it is a connoisseur’s delight watching them.
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Philippe Gaudin et Sacha Chaykin
Andrei Karenin, Eluan Jeunet and Blake Mitchell "An American in Prague"
Kevin Warhol & Maori Mortensen
Kevin Warhol & Dean Cullen
Jim Durden Hans Lagerfeld & John Leto
Helmut Huxley & Jerome Exupery
Olaf Mortensen & Paul Cassidy
BelAmi Models : Marcel Gassion & Raphael Nyon
James Walsh Solo
Torsten Ullman & Marcel Gassion
Kevin Warhol & Kevin Warhol
Scott Bennet and Jordan Faris
Paul Cassidy
Jack Harrer, Marcel Gassion and Peter Annaud
Bastian Dufy & Tom Gabbard
BelAmi : Scandal In Vatican 2
Derek Caravaggio, Giulio Pasolini and Andrei Karenin
Jean-Luc Bisset and Gino Mosca