Jeroen Mondrian, as some of you will remember, was sent home from last year’s Mykonos production because of some disciplinary issues. Fortunately he took the lesson to heart and since then he is much more responsible (‘much more’ certainly does not mean completely so). Jeroen Mondrian has 2 stages with us, the first of which I called his ‘cheating’ phase and the other his ‘genuine’ phase. The ‘cheating’ was when he gave us the bare minimum in his performances for us to get a decent scene, and the ‘genuine’ phase started early this year when he began giving us the ‘real thing’ and since then has become an excellent model.
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Jarrod Lanvin & Joaquin Arrenas
Felix Dowoni
Virgil Avedon & Daley Anholt
Johnny McLeod
Alan Mosca and Kian O'Connor
Kristian Bresson & Eluan Jeunet
Perry Lynton
Tim Moffie & Jorik Tautou
Felix Gaul & Raf Koons
John Leto Solo
Ashton with Kieran & Riff
Riff Dornan & Tim Moffie
Elio Chalamet & Riff Dornan
Allan Aimée & Benoit Ulliel
Benoit Ulliel Solo
Olaf Mortensen & Orri Aasen
Yannis Paluan & Jon Kael
Gene Allen & Johnny Eilish