La video d’aujourd’hui est un charmant mélange de tendresse et de passion pour ces gars sexy Jerome Exupery et Hoyt Koganqui de BelAmi .
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Ariel Vanean & Benoit Ulliel
Joel Birkin and Colin Hewitt
Kirk Gauguin Jim Durden & Viggo Sorensen
Bruce Querelle and Pierre Cezanne
Tony Conrad and Felix Gaul
Orri Aasen
Tom Houston & Jeremy Robbins
Tom Pollock & Jeff Mirren BelAmi
Joel Birkin & Raphael Nyon
BelAmi Model : Mael Gauthier
Helmut Huxley and Torsten Ullman
Christian Lundgren, Kieran Benning and Helmut Huxley
Roald Ekberg & Aldo Belucci
DADDY ISSUES: With Ariel Vanean and Jordan Farris
Bobby Noiret & Gaelan Binoche BelAmi
Danny Defoe and Raphael Nyon
Hoyt Kogan and Orri Aasen
Antony Lorca & Jeff Mirren