Earlier this year we introduced you to our fiery redhead, Virgil. This week he is back again as our model of the week. It is not too often that we get a ginger through the door so we try to take advantage of the situation when we do. Apart from his most striking feature, Virgil is quite a buff young man with a lean, athletic body, handsome face and nice dick. We hope you enjoy his reappearance on BelAmiOnline
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Belami MODEL OF THE WEEK: With Lincoln Nichols
Tony Conrad & Thom Jacobs
Andrei Karenin & Jeff Mirren
Jorik Tautou & Tim Moffie
Jerome Exupery and Liam Efron
Baptiste Emry
Marco Bill & Rick Lautner
Helmut Huxley & Nils Tatum
Rick Palmer
Dario Dolce and Antony Lorca
Eddison Thorne
Oscar Scholz
Jean-Luc Bisset and Gino Mosca
Kieran Benning & Jim Durden
Elio Chalamet & Viggo Sorensen
Marc Ruffalo and Phil Jarreau
Kevin Warhol & Maori Mortensen
Manuel Rios & Maori Mortensen