Our scenes involving Tommy Clapton seem to provide yet further proof that the best lovers and biggest dicks are probably found in Prague. We always try to pair him with the most skilled lovers and here his partner is Oscar Scholz whose juicy magical cock gives Tommy an unforgettable anal orgasm.
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Tom Rogers & Jim Durden
Bobby Kanne & Gene Allen
Leyton Douglas
Rick Palmer
Ben Lilly & Jim Durden
Steve Collins
Kieran with Pip & Jason
Jon Kael & Antony Lorca
Ronan Levine
Derek Caravaggio solo
Jim Durden & Elio Chalamet
Paul Cassidy & Adam Archuleta
Pip Caulfield, Kirk Gaugin and Sven Basquiat
Nikk Lanier & Kirk Gauguin
Karl Ayers with Kirk Gauguin & Eluan Jeunet
Cooper Burian
Josh & Bruce