To stay with our XL theme we have scheduled the 1st photo shoot with Hungarian newcomer, Kian O’Connor. Like our other XL guys this week, he also has a dick that people with smaller mouths could find a challenge. In the end, we decided not to hold that against him and we have already filmed 12 scenes with him this summer.
Click here to see full FRESHMEN VIDEO
Click here to see full FRESHMEN VIDEO
Charlie Musk and Zane Belville
Andy McAllister & Bobby Noiret
Pip Caulfield & Jim Durden
Kedar Marchetti
Torsten Ullman & Helmut Huxley
Ethan O’Pry & Elio Chalamet
Lars Nogaard Solo
Helmut Huxley Jerome Exupery & Benny Saverin
Ben Lilly & Jim Durden
Pierre Cezanne
Elio Chalamet & Serge Cavalli
Olaf Mortensen
Helmut, Oscar & Jerome Exupery
Riff Dornan & Jens Christensen
Hudson & Callum
Johnny McLeod & Kirk Gauguin
Jason Bacall & John Lennox
FreshMen : Jason Bacall and Dean Cooper