We are thrilled to introduce handsome Mark Laysson in this striking photoset. Mark started to work for us some time ago but we respected his decision to wait a little before his first video was released. These beautiful photographs capture the physical beauty of this boy but do not show how nice, humble and friendly he is. We hope you will enjoy Mark’s first appearance because next year you’ll get to know him even better.
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Peter Annaud & Bobby Noiret
Michael Ross and Jay Campion
Tom with Serge & Enrique
Back to Greece Part 21
Danny Carpenter
Pierre Cezanne & Pascal Mauri
Helmut Huxley with Claude Sorel & Joel Birkin
Leyton Douglas
Sammy Poulain
Virgil Avedon & Daley Anholt
Ben Harrington and Gene Allen
Riff Dornan & Jens Christensen
Shane Mendes & Pierce Harrington
Daan Jeffries & Enrique Vera
Jean-Luc Bisset & Jason Bacall
Justin Saradon & Liam Efron
Donnie Gifford Solo
Tony Gold