It’s Sex Safari time again this week and we have a double photoset to kick things off with Ryan McKenna and Mark Sullivan in front of the camera today. The mood is definitely romantic between the two guys as Eliot does his best to create a very erotic set of images. During the shoot we filmed out that Mark’s small tattoo has a special meaning to him as well as how Ryan’s nipples react to getting licked.
With such a promising start to the week, things are looking hot.
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Jamie Durrell and Daan Jeffries
Thierry Dore
Elio Chalamet & Ashton Montana
Marcel Gassion, Hoyt Kogan & Rhys Jagger
Harry Judge
Jim Durden Hans Lagerfeld & John Leto
Helmut Huxley & Bart Cuban
Ethan O'Pry and Viggo Sorensen
Rhys Jagger & Jens Christensen
Allan Aimée
Jambo Africa : Serge Cavalli & Enrique Vera
Niall Morris & Hoyt Kogan
Helmut Huxcley and Jason bacall
Jean-Daniel and Adam Archuleta BelAmi
Nils Tatum & Bruce Querelle
Gino Mosca & Claude Sorel
Benoit Ulliel & Jim Durden
BelAmi Model : Ansel Reid