It was with some trepidation that we allowed Jerome to conduct the solo and interview with sexy newbie Matt Thurman. Jerome’s interviews often devolve into interrogations- or worse- he’ll forego the solo and elect instead to fuck their brains out.
Fortunately, none of this happened, so we got to learn quite a bit more about Matt than we would have with a more conventional interviewer. After getting all the juicy details, Jerome makes his exit at the end of the interview allowing Matt to complete his solo culminating with a cum shot for the ages.
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Mikael Nyoman
Jim Durden & Robin Rief
Paul Cassidy & Pierre Cezanne
Oscar Scholz & Felix Dowoni
Kirk Gauguin & Peter Annaud
Jim Durden & Justin Saradon part 2
Kirk Gauguin & Christian Lundgren
Callum Dean
Peter Annaud & Bob Marghiela
FreshMen Photo Shoot: Jason Bacall
Karl Ayers with Kirk Gauguin & Eluan Jeunet
Mikael Nyoman & Viggo Sorensen
FreshMen : Jason Bacall and Dean Cooper
Jorik Tautou & Justin Saradon Part 2
Joel Birkin and Matthieu Pique
Jeff Mirren and Matthieu Pique
Shane Sanders Solo FreshMen
Matt Thurman & Torsten Ullman