Neighborhood Secret

I was in the kitchen, thinking of something to make my son Marcus and I for lunch. Suddenly, I heard a sharp, loud, moan coming from the boy’s bedroom. I smiled and chuckled to myself: Yep, he was at it again.

I tip-toed down the hallway and peeked into the twinky little darling’s bedroom. My sweet, growing boy was at full-mast, huffing and puffing and really going at it!

The kid’s eyes were wide open, but laser-focused on his boy rod. So was I, and I absolutely adored the ways in which Marcus cooed cute, sexy little grunts while he madly tugged at his meat. Standing there in the doorway, I sucked in a breath as I watched, mesmerized. I deeply longed to join him.

Then in a priceless moment, Marcus realized that I was standing in his doorway. It’s worth noting that the bedroom door to my son’s room was wide open. Clearly, Marcus was aware that I was home. Hmm.

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