SUMMER BREAK SCENE: This is one of BELAMI scenes filmed during ‘Summer Break‘ production but didn’t quite make it into the schedule then, so we hung onto it for a little while. Nils Tatum is still fairly fresh to filming here, so it helps that he has a very experienced partner in Roald Ekberg. Inexperienced or not, Nils Tatum’ performance is first rate and these 2 do make for a perfect couple.
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Gino Mosca & Hoyt Kogan
Jean-Daniel and Billy FLIP-FLOP FUCK
Rocco Alfieri & Enrique Vera
Derek Caravaggio and Giulio Pasolini
Ariel Vanean, Jim Kerouac & Julien Hussey
Ethan O'Pry & Oscar Scholz
Hoyt Kogan, Torsten Ullman and Nils Tatum
BelAmi Kris Evans and Miguel Estevez
Eddie Frank
Enrique, Bastian, and Tom 3-WAY
Renis Sedaris
Hoyt Kogan Pierre Cezanne & Eluan Jeunet
Jean Daniel & Marcel Gassion
Hoyt Kogan and Felix Gaul
Nils Tattum & Mael Gauthier
Helmut Huxcley and Jarrod Lanvin
Dario Dolce & Brian Jovovich