It is hard to resist either Helmut Huxley or Jerome Exupery, but when they team up and turn their seductive prowess on Nils Tatum, ‘hard to resist’ becomes ‘impossible to resist’. This scene is unusual in that it is the first collaberation in many years between both our main director-cameramen, Marty and Luke, and the results hightlight the best of both of their styles.
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Ashton Montana
Riff Dornan
Johnny Eilish & Tom Houston
Jamie Eliot & Bruce Harrelson
Enrique Vera & Derek Caravaggio
John Lennox & Kirk Gauguin
Karl Brunni
Matt Thurman
Nils Tatum and Christian Lundgren Photo
Viggo Sorensen & Jim Durden
Kirean Benning & Serge Cavalli
Johnny McLeod & Kirk Gauguin
FreshMen : Jason Bacall and Dean Cooper
Pip Caulfield and James Walsh
Jason & Christian
Ethan O’Pry & Viggo Sorensen
Orri Aasen & Jack Harrer
Nikk Lanier & Olaf Mortensen