Some may say Nino Valens is too skinny, some that Nate Donaghy is past his prime. Perhaps. But both boys are fully committed to giving all of you a five-star performance every time. To honour that commitment, let’s avoid comments like this and enjoy the scene for all the other reasons
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Danny Defoe & Jean-Luc Bisset
Jamie Durrell & Eluan Jeunet
Callum Dean
Bruce Harrelson & Clint Newman
Riff Dornan & Nikk Lanier
Nils Tatum
Helmut Huxley & Torsten Ullman
FreshMen Photo Shoot: Jason Bacall
Emilio Reynold & Hugo Carter
Jamie Eliot
Kevin Warhol & Lars Norgaard
Serge Cavalli
Ronny Lamarr & Serge Cavalli
John Leto & Tom Houston
Back to Greece
Nils Tatum & Torsten Ullman
Riff Dornan
Allan Aimée & Benoit Ulliel