It’s a bit unusual, although not unheard of, for a young man to make it from a dorm room to a bunk in a halfway house in the course of a semester. However, some guys just start too hard out of the gate, what with rush and all the freedom that a campus provides. His chasing tail soon led to chasing the bottle, and that led him straight to a few felonies. Of course, the Boys Halfway House welcomed him with open arms. Unfortunately, within a week he had fallen back to his old ways, and he needed to be confronted. Like many 18 year olds, his first response to being called out was nervous laughter. Well, that smirk soon fell from his face as he was presented with a big thick dick as option 2. Option 1 was being kicked to the curb.
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Like Velvet
If You're Good & Friendly
A Submission Up To Par
Carry The Load
Breed Him Right
This Cunt Got Wrecked
Learning His Place
Memphis Sucks
Recidivist Fucked And Fed
Delicate Situation
Rooting Out Delinquency
This Cunt Got Wrecked
Well Deserved Smashing
Test First, Lesson After
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Even Now A Deadbeat
Slam Fucked and Fed