With Paolo Arreola, we were provided a “proper introduction” and reintroduction as he is a model that started to work with us, went away a few years and came back as cute and as sexy as when they first arrived. Paolo’s first venture with us consisted only of a casting and one scene with Justin Saradon. Hopefully we’ll get more from the prodigal porn-star as we reintroduce him here on Freshmen. His next hardcore outing you’ll see in a couple of months as he is paired with Yannis Paluan.
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FreshMen : Shane Sanders & Bastian Dufy
Pip Caulfield & Nate Donaghy
John Leto & Tom Houston
Oliver Coogan
Johny Hardin
Elio Chalamet with Riff Dornan & Bart Cuban
Dallas White & Jimmie Ackerman
Michel Seberg & Jerome Exupery
FreshMen : Jason Bacall and Dean Cooper
Yannis Paluan & Jon Kael
Adam Archuleta & Jordan Faris
Dylan Maguire and Olaf Mortensen
Louis Thauvin & Jerome Exupery
Damian Chapelle & Nino Valens
Pierre Cezanne & Rhys Jagger
Perry Lynton
Giulio Pasolini
Bob Marghiela & Mario Texeira