Paying His Dues Boys Halfway House Gay Porn Video

Paying His Dues

There are times in his life when a young man comes to the realization that he must stop shirking his responsibilities and become self-sufficient. This resident has yet to come to this point. Worse yet, he doesn’t seem to be remotely interested in the things normal adults do: get a job, build a savings, pay the bills. Luckily for him, we House Managers are here to help. Luckily for us, getting this boy in line is a sheer pleasure.

It’s not uncommon for the pretty ones to have fewer brain cells than the rest of us, but that usually makes them a lot more pliable. They are given to performance and approval-seeking, stemming from bouts of low self-esteem. The funniest thing is, though, that after a good lesson or two, and despite their best intentions, guys like this resident get sidetracked by the shinier things in life, and once again perform sub-par. Well, after shirking rent for several weeks, it was time for this one to pay his dues.
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