Repeat Offender

Among most residents, recidivism is common, and the problems usually begin even before they’ve left the House. This is why we are so keen to punish curfew violations. Normal people with jobs and responsibilities manage to not be late ever, so this isn’t a difficult concept to grasp for most people. These residents, I suppose, aren’t most people. For us Managers it’s a double-edged sword. If these guys were normal we wouldn’t have to worry about them getting into trouble all of the time. On the other hand, we have an entire captive population of mouths and holes to use at our disposal, 24/7. This resident, in particular, is the kind you just love to punish, too.

I told him why he was in trouble, and he was visibly upset, because he knew what was going to happen next. His last punishment had gotten a little out of hand, and I do believe he might be a bit scarred. Reinforcement is key, however. So, my cock came out as fast as I could get him on his knees. It’s funny how such confident guys can turn on a dime into a two-bit whore so quickly. When I was finished with his mouth, I turned to his cunt. I already loved it because he is a gaper. So I spent the rest of the session just seeing how wide I could get it to gape, and for how long.
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