It seems that everyone in the house is horny today and it takes a while for the guys to sort out who is going to be fucking who, but eventually we settle down with a 3way between Enrique Vera, Serge Cavalli, and Andrei Karenin. Only after manhandling the extras out of the room can the guys get down to some serious lovemaking. With this combination of guys we felt that for sure it would be either Serge or Enrique bottoming here, but to our surprise, it is actually Andrei who gets to enjoy both his buddy’s cocks up his ass. This is certainly a very energetic scene, not tender lovemaking, but raw and passionate fucking all around.
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Ariel, Jason, Kieran, Rhys
Henri Theroux
Andrei Karenin & Niko Vangelis
Peter Annaud Peter Annaud & Kieran Benning
Paul Cassidy and Viggo Sorensen
Tim Moffie
Torsten Ullman & Olaf Mortensen
Jimmie Ackerman & Ashton Montana
Freddy McQueen
Jerome Exupery & Riis Erikson
Workout 3 way BelAmiOnline
Kieran Benning & James Walsh
Jim Durden Hans Lagerfeld & John Leto
Mael Gauthier &Kian O'Connor
Zac De Haan
Ariel Vanean & Bruce Querelle
Ariel Vanean & Benoit Ulliel
Derek Caravaggio & Elio Chalamet