Since every boy who visited our bootcamp at Lake Balaton did an interview and solo with Luke, we ended up with too many to fit into our special BootCamp editions. We will bring you the extras occasionally as a 3rd content. Today we have one of our excess solos with blond Hungarian Robin Rief. Robin’s outlook on life is charmingly simple: always have fun. This outlook is demonstrated in this interview and solo with the sexy Robin Rief.
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Gene Allen & Johnny Eilish
Pascal Mauri Solo
Andre Boleyn & Paul Cavill
Bart Cuban & Kirk Gauguin & Eluan Jeunet
Peter Annaud & Henrik Bjorn
Alan Cartier & Kirk Gauguin
Bob Marghiela & Mario Texeira
Mario Texeira & Nate Donaghy
Helmut Huxley & Claude Sorel
Back to Greece Part 26
Mario Borges
FreshMen : Shane Sanders & Bastian Dufy
Cristiano Cruzo & Mario Texeira
Daley Anholt & Kian O'Connor
Jorik Tautou & Kirk Gauguin
Mick Donovan
John Leto & Jerome Exupery
Pierre Cezanne & Pascal Mauri