The long-awaited introduction of Sammy Poulain begins with this set of images. We plan on attempting a new format for his 2nd appearance; combining his first two scenes together to give you an overall picture of how he performed in his training. This training montage will feature Elio Chalamet and Ashton. His next appearance will be with resident legend Helmut Huxley
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Access to Freshmen
Access to Freshmen
John Lennox Solo
Nils Tatum & Torsten Ullman
Olaf Mortensen
Robin Rief & Peter Annaud
Ayden Mallory and Brandon Salieri
Enrique Vera & Derek Caravaggio
Gino Mosca and Danny Defoe
Mario Texeira & Nate Donaghy
Hoyt Kogan & Henrik Bjorn
Cristiano Cruzo & Mario Texeira
Adam Archuleta & Jordan Faris
Enrique Vera
Claude Sorel & Raf Koons
Serge Cavalli & Enrique Vera part 1
Kieran Benning and Jarrod Lanvin
Nate Donaghy and Joaquin Arrenas
Henri Theroux
Jamie Eliot and Timmy Morrison