You are our guinea pigs as we experiment with a new video format. This is our first hardcore material with Sammy Poulain and our experiment is to show you what goes on as a model prepares for his first scene. Sammy Poulain is the subject of this experiment as his training was more diverse than normal since Kevin filmed him both topping Ashton Montana and then bottoming for Elio Chalamet. To give you a more complete picture we included his casting in the mix. Let us know what you think of Sammy Poulain and his training.
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Jamie Eliot & Johnny Eilish
Franco Rossi & Rhys Jagger
Jim Durden & Timothy Blue
FreshMen : Shane Sanders & Bastian Dufy
Peter Annaud & Henrik Bjorn
Mikael Nyoman & Ashton Montana
Luca Carrera & Liam Efron
Sammy Poulain Solo
Perry Lynton
Kevin Warhol & Yannis Paluan
Charlie Musk and Zane Belville
Riff Dornan
Miguel Estevez Solo
Kieran Benning & Joaquin Arrenas
Hudson Malone & Tommy Clapton
Mateo Diaz & Pip Caulfield
Johnny Eilish & Adam Liotta
Paul Cassidy and Nils Tatum