My time in the Scouts has certainly been an eye-opening experience! I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Scoutmaster Wolf. He’s so tall, handsome and masculine. He came up to me yesterday to talk about my first aid badge and asked if I’d be up for learning a few new skills…And with that we were walking out into the forest. We stopped under a tree and he showed me how to create a make-shift splint out of pieces of wood.At one point, he stood behind me. I could feel his dick pressing into my back, and it was hard, so I put my hand behind my back and gave it a squeeze! Then he turned me around and suddenly we were kissing! It was electrifying. I wanted him so much. It got real steamy, real fast. He pushed me against a tree, pulled my shorts down and started feeling my ass. I knelt down and pulled his enormous dick out of his underpants but I couldn’t seem to get enough of it into my mouth.
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