Scout Logan was excited to become an elite scout. He didn’t know Scoutmaster St. Michael, who was due to oversee the private ceremony, so as the boy knocked on the office door, his heart was pounding. The Scoutmaster welcomed him before somewhat fumblingly attaching a number of pins to the boy’s uniform.The moment felt incredibly intimate.St. Michael sat down on a chair and ordered the boy to stand between his open legs. Logan was a little embarrassed, but did as he was told.The boy suddenly became aware of the Scoutmaster’s lips lunging towards him, and a couple of seconds later, they were kissing passionately.
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Scout Milo
Scout Mike
Scout Logan Campsite
Scout Milo, Chapter 2: Pitch A Tent
Scout Milo, Volume 1: Follow By Example
Scout Landon
Pitch A Tent
Boys Will Be Boys
Boys at Camp
Scout Jack & Scoutmaster Kamp The Pledge
Troop Time
Scout Canyon, Volume 1: Morning Wood
Scout Skills
International Scout Boys Consequences
Scout Noah, Chapter 5: The Campsite
Bishop Angus & Ian Levine
Scout Canyon, Chapter 1: The Pledge
Bump In the Night