I really like Scoutmaster Dietrich. He could tell I was a bit homesick and often came over to give my shoulders an encouraging rub while the other boys weren’t watching. And he looks so handsome in his uniform… Scoutmaster Dietrich spent much of the trip poking fun at me and Mark. He called us Little and Large and said he was pleased we were getting on so well. He took us on a few excursions. Just the three of us. We went swimming in the lake and he dared us to take all our clothes off. Mark actually did it! I went down to my boxer trunks and got in the water as quickly as I could because I kept getting hard!
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Access to Scout Boys
International Scout Boys
Scouts In Their Tents
Scout Dawson
Scouts Dinner Duty
Walking Naked
Scout Maxwell
Scout Serg, Chapter 5: The Hike
Scout Marcus
Scout Canyon, Volume 1: Morning Wood
The Campsite
Scout Zack
Scout Canyon, Chapter 1: The Pledge
Outdoor Adventuring
Setting Up Camp
Scout Ian
Scouting Overnighter
Scout Landon
Troop Time : Boys Will Be Boys