Sexy Rich Gaysians: Family Business | Peter Fever

Sexy Rich Gaysians: Family Business

Poor struggling student Justyn looks up from his homework to see an SMS from his boyfriend David, who has some news and wants him to come to Vegas the next day. Justyn assumes it’s about the family business, till David tells him the family are billionaires who make their living as high-stakes currency traders. He’s beyond « crazy rich », he’s « SEXY rich », and wants Justyn to share the wealth. He showers Justyn with colorful bills of foreign currency, and they collapse on the money-littered bed to happily adapt to the new state of their relationship and finances.

Justyn gobbles down David’s big cock, and David pumps his hips to drive that dick further in to his sweet bf. He wants to get HIS mouth involved and dives in to taste Justyn’s sweet tight ass. Justyn feels so close and bonded with David, reaches back to pull him closer into his butt crack. David takes the initiative and slides his cock deep in to Justyn’s hungry hole. It’s almost a wild hallucinatory fantasy for Justyn, lying on a luxurious bed covered with money, in a high-end casino hotel suite. His head spins as his ass is twitching with hot desire. David slams into him with gusto, fills his ass to the brim.
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