His cock sucking wasn’t half bad. I’m guessing he had a sister with a gay best friend. The reason I …
Prostate Inspection
Generally visitors aren’t allowed at the Halfway House except under supervision, and during appropriate times. That said, this isn’t a …
The Future Depends On Today
Needless to say, it’s the lazy residents that cause the most problems for cash flow. You see, all of these …
18 & Already A Cum Guzzler
We deal with a lot of good-for-nothing young men here at the Halfway House. In spite of our best efforts, …
Ball Draining
Some guys are just people pleasers, no matter how much they hate being that way. It probably comes from some …
Backdoor Blues
The funniest part about 18 year olds at the Halfway House is that they seem to act like they are …
Well Deserved Smashing
There are those who don’t care about the consequences of their actions, and there are those who never think about …
Old Habits Die Hard
We are all creatures of habit, and in some ways this a very good thing. Habits can keep us safe, …
Pliable Young Cunt
The worst thing about the 18 year olds is that sometimes they don’t understand that breaking the rules has consequences. …
Think Good Thoughts
When times get tough, young men like this guy just seem to crumble. He wishes life were just like in …
Two Chums, Two Bums
Two residents failed their tests, and I decided to get the job done all in one sitting. But – man! …
Jizz For Breakfast
We like to nip problems in the bud here at the Halfway House, whether it’s morning, noon, or night. This …
Oral Therapy Works
Not much to say about this loser except that his mouth is satin. He can’t hold down a job, make …
Maintain Vocal Wriggling
The one thing about residents who are slobs: it’s contagious. One guy leaves his bed unmade, and sooner or later …