What’s that sound? I must have been dreaming, I’m slowly coming to. There’s that sound again. Was that my name? …
Daddy’s Pride and Joy
Like any grown man, when I find myself with a little free time, I often quickly discover that I’m awfully …
Neighborhood Secret
We spent the rest of the morning talking through our feelings and my daddy reassured me with all his might …
The Professor Close Study
Work has kept dad busy lately. His students are lucky; imagine having a professor as sexy as Professor Snow! I’m …
The Professor
One morning, I had just finished showering and was in the middle of shaving. Needless to say, I was stark …
Home For The Holidays
With each new visit back home, Chase and his dad, Mr. Weston, continue to grow their bond far beyond that …
Under My Roof
Mr. Stone rose from his bed at dawn and woke his son Logan. With their summer holiday coming to an …
Daddy’s Pride and Joy
One quiet afternoon, I walked in on Maxx as he was working out. I didn’t so much as « randomly » walk …
The Good Son
Mr. Weston was quietly pleased at the knowledge that since their breakthrough encounter the previous week, his son Chase had …
Brotherly Love
When Dolf opened the front door to let Jax inside, he could see the slight trepidation on his younger brother’s …
Home for the Holidays
Chase had only just settled in back at his parents’ house for the Holidays and he went to check on …
Relieving Tension
One afternoon, as Logan was folding laundry on his bed, Mr. Stone walked in to talk to his boy. Logan …
addy’s Pride and Joy,
It had only been a handful of hours since I arrived earlier in the day to visit my handsome beefy …