Elder Gardner has an intense interrogation with President Ballard. The handsome leader binds his hands and forces a confession out …
Disciplinary Action
Because Elder Xanders betrayed The Order by revealing its secrets, President Oaks and Bishop Angus have decided to punish the …
Atonement:Elder Garrett, Bishop Angus & President Oaks
Elder Garrett is challenged to traverse the priesthood stretcher, pushing him past his physical limits. Bishop Angus and President Oaks …
Setting Apart
Setting Apart (Elder Sorensen (Peter Pounder), President Oaks, Bishop Angus, President Nelson) : Elder Sorenson can’t get enough of the …
Brother’s Oath: Elder Garrett, Brother Calhoun & Brother Strang
When Brother Calhoun and Elder Garrett go to approach Brother Strang about his aggressive behavior, they think they have the …
Elder Sorensen & President Oaks
Elder Sorenson is a tried and true disciple of the Order. He’s sure to always show the utmost respect and …
Bonds of Brotherhood Elder Xanders, Brother Strang, Brother Eyring
Brother Strang and Brother Eyring cannot stop thinking of Elder Xanders’ small, boyish body. They’re determined to see what he’s …
Probation: Elder Garrett, Elder Xanders & Bishop Angus
Bishop Angus joins young Elder Xanders and Garrett in their bedroom to show them how missionaries should love each other. …