The Richards Family

Just a few days ago, I had told Asher’s slightly elder cousin Jordan to come visit us. I don’t know how or especially when, but the two rascals managed to act every bit their age and Jordan ended up sliding inside Asher.

The thought of my nephew kissing my son, tasting my son, feeling my son was… enthralling, actually. A bit worrying, for all the obvious reasons, but on the other side of that is the fact that Asher is so hungry for cock that he couldn’t help but seduce his cousin. Knowing that makes my meat stiffen up instantly.

As I found Jordan’s shirt under the couch while I was cleaning up, I let all these thoughts flood my mind. It took me a minute to remember that I could easily just go and ask Asher about it. I was completely bricked up as I made my way up the stairs and into his room. Asher, ever as open and honest with his dad as usual, was very forthcoming. He knew I was curious in more ways than one, so I asked him to not only tell me, but…
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Aiden Dean and Andrew Delta
Eggsquisite Fuck