We have a bit of a quandary today. Do we believe Tony, or does Andy McAllister have it right? Poor Andy McAllister coming home to find empty whiskey bottles and used condoms all over the apartment…and he isn’t buying a word of Tony’s explanation. I suppose that leaves make-up sex as the only weapon Tony has left to help him salvage this budding relationship. Let’s see if it works or not.
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Serge Cavalli & Nils Tatum
Peter Annaud and Marc Ruffalo
Jack Harrer & Manuel Rios
Adam Archuleta & Dylan Maguire
Hoyt Kogan and Felix Gaul
Miles Murray
Double penetration : Hoyt Kogan, Jerome Exupery and Henrik Bjorn
Jordan Faris & Dean Cullen
Andrei Karenin Brian Jovovich & Roald Ekberg
Rhys Jagger & Harris Hilton
Bart Cuban
Peter Annaud Peter Annaud & Kieran Benning
Jeroen Mondrian & Steve Harrelson
Bennet O'Boyle
Michel Armand Photo Set
Hoyt Kogan and Baptiste Emry
Jerome Exupery & Ian Roebuck