Some of our photo-sessions during Sex Safari are a little bit different than normal. Today we have blond heroes Nils Tatum and Torsten Ullman strutting their stuff for Benno Thoma, but when we come to the video, it is a case of boys, boys and more boys everywhere.
Benno just seems unable to resist the temptation of grabbing whatever hottie he can lay his hands on and adding them into the mix. As a result our video this week extends itself from the customary 15 minutes up to 23… Not that we are complaining as it gives us a bit of a taste as to how hot our documentary series is going to be.
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Gabriel Nash
Adam Archuleta & Tom Pollock
Bart Cuban & Viggo Sorensen
Jeroen Mondrian & Paul Cassidy
Andrei Karenin & Jeroen Mondrian
Hoyt Kogan and Jacq Broyard
Belami SUMMER BREAK 13 With Bastian Dufy, Nate Donaghy and Nino Valens
PHOTO SESSION: Kieran Benning & Steve Skarsgaard
'Return To Frisky Summer' Orgy Part 1
Rhys Jagger and Maori Mortensen
Jeff Mirren & Enrique Vera
Ricky Backus
Dylan Maguire and Yannis Paluan
Adrian Kershaw
Bruce Harrelson
Bobby Kanne & Virgil Avedon
Jon Kael & Enrique Vera
Rhys Jagger & Tommy Poulain