There is no doubt that Viggo Sorensen has the perfect body and the hard work he puts into keeping it that way is clear for all to see. Viggo always gives 100%.
As well as maintaining his divine physique, he keeps working for us as a cameraman and photographer delivering perfect product every time. Today Viggo puts all his assets on display. Let’s admire the perfection!
Olaf Mortensen
Virgil Avedon & Daley Anholt
Serge Cavalli
Jamie Eliot & Tucker Ellison
Riff Dornan
Jim Durden & Justin Saradon part 1
Kevin Warhol & Jack Harrer
John Leto and Mario Texiera
Ashton Montana
Rico Gabbani
Riis Erikson & Jerome Exupery
Paul Morisette Solo
Jimmie & Ayden part 1
Ethan O´Pry SOLO
Hugo & Steve
Allan Aimée & Nate Donaghy
Benoit Ulliel & Nate Donaghy
Bart Cuban and Hoyt Kogan